Blue Collar Michigan Scholar's U.S. Auto Workers' 24 Journalism Credits Reader's Decide Journal

Working Michigan Blue Collar American Scholar's Greatest United States Sites. 2016 President Election, Electoral Vote, Michigan History, Media, Election, Swing-State, Purple State, Battleground, Republican, Democrat, Independent, U.S., Politics, Political Science, Political Parties, Campaign, News, Education, Data, Statistics, Opinions, Jobs, Trade, Workers, Voting, Primary, General, Elections For President Politics. Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, MI Blue-Collar Worker's Scholarly Journoblog.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

2016 President Candidates Websites Campaign Official Store Swag

2016 President Candidates Official Campaign Store Links. Bumper stickers, yard signs, clothing, hats, cups, mugs...etc. Support, buy and collect. This is a pivotal moment in American political history. Will be studied in future Political Science classes (poly sci). American history. World history. Civics. Marketing and advertising. Journalism and more.

Entrepreneur, Businessman Donald J. Trump

New York U.S. Senator, Secretary of State, First Lady Hillary Clinton

Texas U.S. Senator Ted Cruz

Vermont U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders

Michigan World Renowned Neurosurgeon Ben Carson

Florida U.S. Senator Marco Rubio

Ohio Governor, U.S. House of Representatives John Kasich

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