Blue Collar Michigan Scholar's U.S. Auto Workers' 24 Journalism Credits Reader's Decide Journal

Working Michigan Blue Collar American Scholar's Greatest United States Sites. 2016 President Election, Electoral Vote, Michigan History, Media, Election, Swing-State, Purple State, Battleground, Republican, Democrat, Independent, U.S., Politics, Political Science, Political Parties, Campaign, News, Education, Data, Statistics, Opinions, Jobs, Trade, Workers, Voting, Primary, General, Elections For President Politics. Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, MI Blue-Collar Worker's Scholarly Journoblog.

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

"TRUMP 2020" Re-Election Website

"TRUMP 2020"
"Kodak Moment" Photo
President Trump wearin' that Cowboy Hat!

"Trump 2020" Trump for President Re-Election Website President Donald J. Trump's "Trump 2020" re-election campaign website.
New slogan for "Trump 2020" is Keep America Great!
Blue-Collar Builder Businessman President Trump.
Donald J. Trump Media Page Donald J. Trump Media
Donald J. Trump You Tube Channel Donald J. Trump You Tube Channel Website.
Donald Trump's Facebook Donald Trump's Facebook social media.
Full Speech - President Trump Returns to State of Ohio for Rally July 25 2017 President Trump's Full Speech at a rally in Youngstown, Ohio July 25 2017.

July 2017 Professor Blue Collar Michigan Scholar's "Trumps First Six Months" of America First accomplishments, President Trump's remarks at U.S.S. Gerald R. Ford Commissioning Ceremony and other great links.
August 2017 Michigan Blue Collar "The White House" President Trump's Links:
Statement by President Trump Statement by President Trump on Charlottesville, Virginia.

President Trump Holds Press Conference August 10 2017 President Trump Press Conference August 10 2017
The White House Featured Videos President Trump's featured videos website.
"White House Flickr" photos - pictures website
Trump White House pics photos on Official White House Flickr account.
President Trump Presents Medal of Honor to Michigan Vet President Trump presents the Medal of Honor to Michigan Vietnam Veteran
President Trump Holds Rally in West Virginia Trump West Virginia Rally C-Span Video
President Trump's Remarks to Federal, State, and Local Law Enforcement  July 28 2017 President Trump's remarks to Federal, State & Local law enforcement on the Trump administration's gang violence initiatives and other topics. C-Span video.
President Trump Honors Congressional Baseball Shooting First Responders with Medals of Valor Ceremony at The White House Trump awards The Medals of Valor to the First Responders at a White House ceremony. C-Span video.
President Trump Delivers Remarks at 2017 National Scout Jamboree Trump gives remarks at 2017 National Scouts Jamboree.
President Trump Delivers Remarks at The U.S.S. Gerald R. Ford Commissioning Ceremony  Michigan's Gerald R. Ford served the United States of America with great honor and distinction as Vice-President (1973-1974) and President (1974-1977).
C-Span video.
America First: President of The United States of America Donald J. Trump's First Six Months - January 20 to July 20, 2017 First 6 months - January 20th 2017 45th President Inauguration to July 20th 2017. America First Accomplishments.
White House webpage link.
The White House Blog The White House blog is a great way to stay informed with the latest and greatest news and events.
The White House Briefing Room Page: "Press Breifings" White House Breifing Room Page - Press Briefings, Gaggles...etc. with newspapers, magazines , radio personalities, bloggers, various media outlets. Text of press briefings is presented.
Skype is utilized occassionally for media that can not be present at the press briefings.
Great forward thinking on President Trump's part.

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Monday, July 17, 2017

Trump Made in America Week Celebration

Made in America Made in USA image gif pic photo
JULY 17, 2017


July 17 2017 Michigan's Blue Collar Scholars President Trump's "Made in USA" "Made in America" Week at The White House Links (dig the American made Gibson Guitars in the background!
President Trump is truly the "Rock and Roll President"! After all, he did keep playing the Rolling Stones and other great band's music at his rallies.
Keep Rockin' and Rollin' the Swamp!
We got you covered in Michigan, Mr. President.
Great Job!
Made In America Product Showcase President Trump's "Made in America" product showcase event celebration at The White House. From official White House blog. Yessireee! Hip Hip Hoooray!
Right on, Blue-Collar Businessman President Trump! Promises Made-Promises Kept!
Official White House Flickr Photos "Made in America" Event Celebration Photos Pics of President Trump's "Made In America" Celebration.

Trump Cowboy Hat


President Trump Participates in a "Made in America" Product Showcase Official White House You Tube Channel. Rock n' Roll over Nafta and all the other "stupid trade" deals Mr. President. Get us a greatest deal for Michigan and the whole U.S.A!
From White House Website.
Checkout other great links while visiting the website.
Direct and Correct info.
Read the "1600 Daily"
What's cool is...
No commercials!

U.S.T.R.Releases NAFTA Negotiating Objectives
United States Trade Representative releases Nafta negotiating objectives.
Remarks of 45th US President Trump at Made In America Product Showcase at White House
President Trump knocks it out of the ballpark!
Remarks of Vice President Mike Pence Introducing President Trump at Made In America Product Showcase Great J.O.B. Mr. Vice-Prez

More Made in America Week at White House Video:
President Trump Checks Out Made in America Machinery at The White House
Great J.O.B. Prez!
Too cool!
West Wing Reads 7-17-17
The White House "West Wing Reads" covers a broad array of journalistic topics.

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