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Working Michigan Blue Collar American Scholar's Greatest United States Sites. 2016 President Election, Electoral Vote, Michigan History, Media, Election, Swing-State, Purple State, Battleground, Republican, Democrat, Independent, U.S., Politics, Political Science, Political Parties, Campaign, News, Education, Data, Statistics, Opinions, Jobs, Trade, Workers, Voting, Primary, General, Elections For President Politics. Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, MI Blue-Collar Worker's Scholarly Journoblog.

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Michigan Blue-Collar President Trump

July 4th Flag Stars Stripes Animated Image

Blue Collar Michigan Scholar's June - July 2017 Summer Links.
Donald J. Trump Facebook Social Media Blue Collar Businessman Donald J. Trump's Facebook social media.
President Trump Attends Bastille Day Parade in France. C-Span video.
President Donald J. Trump's Weekly Address To The Nation Weekly Address
Speeches and Remarks Text of Latest Speeches - Remarks
Official White House Instagram Website Instagram page
WH.GOV The Official White House Website.
1600 Daily is a great daily read. Direct and correct.
The White House Live Page White House Live Video Page broadcasts live video events from The White House. Press briefings, speeches, remarks...etc.
The White House Official Blog White House Official Blog.
Vice-President Mike Pence Official Facebook Vice-President Mike Pence's Official Facebook Website.
Vice-President of The United States of America Mike Pence's Twitter Website U.S. Vice-President Mike Pence's Official Twitter.
The White House Press Secretary's Official Twitter Tweets President Trump's White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer's Official Twitter Website.

The White House Live: President Trump Gives Remarks - Unleashing American Energy Event June 29 2017 Six new energy initatives and more. White House Live Webpage. Jobs Jobs Jobs. Energy independence.
Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders-Energy Secretary Rick Perry Brief Reporters  June 27 2017

Donald J. Trump Website

Donald Trump Twitter

President Trump Gives Remarks To The People Of Poland President Trump's Speech to Poland. Official White House YouTube Channel.

Remarks: President Trump at American Leadership Emerging Technology Event June 22
Blue Collar Tech President Trump.
President Trump Signs Veterans Accountability & Whistleblower Protection Act June 23
Blue Collar - President Trump signs Vets bill.
Thanks for takin' care of our Veterans! Gettin' the J.O.B. done!
President Trump Gives Remarks on the Apprenticeship and Workforce of Tomorrow Initiatives June 15, 2017. Jobs! Jobs! Jobs! Good payin' ones in Michigan and every state.
Presidential Executive Order Expanding Apprenticeships In America Jobs! Jobs! Jobs!
Them Skilled Trades jobs do pay a pretty penny in
Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and every state. Right on, Mr. President. Keep on keepin' on!

President Trump Delivers a Statement to the Press
June 14, 2017
President Donald J. Trump Proclaims June 14 2017 National Flag Day and Week

President Trump's Cabinet Meeting  President Trump Cabinet meeting. C-Span vid.
President Trump's Cabinet Meeting June 12th 2017.
President Trump Cabinet Meeting. Video link from The White House official You Tube website.

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