Long time no post! A little rusty, but like a fine wine, hopefully I've aged gracefully! Saw some of those great rock & roll acts on PBS the other night & those cats still rock, so there's hope for the rest of us over fifties, sixties, seventies, eighties, nineties, and 100 years old. The radio & TV coverage of the 2008 Presidential election usually shows the candidates official websites. Most of us have internet access & can click the sites to learn more. Below is a list of the leading candidates websites with their official online stores. Maybe you're into collecting political paraphernalia or would like to wear a campaign button or put a sticker on your bumper. How about a hat with your favorites name on it. Perhaps a keychain tickles your fancy. Coffee mugs with the candidates logo on it. Hmmm...wonder why they haven't thought of putting their mug on the mug along with their name? One candidate has a wall clock, think it was Mike Huckabee. If I remember right, Chuck Norris is on some of the buttons. Different. Barack Obama has a campaign button that says Republicans For Obama. That is interesting & could be a future collectible. John McCain has some cool stuff with the naval star on it & New Hampshire & South Carolina pinbacks. Hillary Clinton has photo campaign buttons & other great merchandise as do all of the leading candidates. There's a lot of stuff, but why spoil the fun? Check out the links for the Presidential Candidates Official 2008 Campaign stores. I'll also put links to the official homepages, also. In fact, explore & research all of the candidates policies & positions and make the great American choice we will all make on Election Day, Tuesday, November 4th 2008! Don't forget to Register to Vote. In alphabetical order:
Official Hillary Clinton for President 2008
www.HillaryClinton.comOfficial Hillary Cinton for President 2008 Campaign Store
www.HillaryStore.comOfficial Mike Huckabee for President 2008
www.MikeHuckabee.comOfficial Mike Huckabee for President 2008 Campaign Store
www.cafepress.com/huckabee4pres08Official John McCain for President 2008
www.JohnMcCain.comOfficial John McCain for President 2008 Campaign Store
http://store.JohnMcCain.comOfficial Barack Obama for President 2008
www.BarackObama.comOfficial Barack Obama for President 2008 Campaign Store
http://store.BarackObama.comLabels: 08, 2008, bumper stickers, buttons, campaign, candidates, coffee mugs, collectibles, elections, hats, merchandise, official, president, stores